

Veneers in modern dentistry

Veneers are thin ceramic or composite overlays that are placed on the front of teeth to improve their appearance. They can be used to correct various cosmetic flaws of teeth, such as unevenness, stains, chips, and small gaps between teeth.

The process of installing veneers involves removing a thin layer of enamel from the front surface of the teeth to create space for the veneers. Then, an impression is taken and sent to a laboratory to create custom overlays, which are then bonded to the teeth.

The advantages of veneers include relative ease of installation, long-lasting effects, and the ability to preserve healthy tooth enamel. However, they may require multiple visits to the dentist for installation and adjustments.

In modern society, there are some misconceptions about veneers. You can learn about the most common myths regarding veneer installation in our separate article.

The history of veneers

The history of veneers in dentistry began over 100 years ago. In 1928, American dentist Charles Pink found a way to use plastic to create cast facings (veneers) that could be used to correct the shape and color of teeth. However, these materials had limited strength and reliability.

In 1959, California dentist John Lemer found a way to use durable ceramic materials to create veneers. Ceramic was much stronger and more durable than previously used materials, allowing for thinner and more aesthetic veneers to be made.

Since then, veneer production and installation technologies have continued to evolve, and today they are a popular and effective dental procedure. Currently, veneers can be made from various materials, including ceramics, composites, and other materials that provide a more natural and durable result.

People choose to get veneers for various reasons, but in most cases, they are used for cosmetic purposes.

The history of veneers

What issues can veneers address?

  1. Correction of tooth color: Veneers can conceal stains on teeth caused by coffee, tea, smoking, pigmentation, or aging.

  2. Correction of tooth shape: Veneers can change the shape of teeth with irregularities, chips, protrusions.

  3. Replacement of old fillings: Veneers can be used as an alternative to old fillings or veneers that may be lost or damaged.

  4. Closing gaps between teeth: Veneers can be used to hide gaps between teeth that may create an unfavorable aesthetic effect.

  5. Restoration of damaged teeth: Veneers can be used to restore teeth with minor chips, cracks, or enamel loss.

  6. Bite correction: Veneers can be used in combination with other dental methods to improve the functionality of teeth and align the bite.

  7. Enhancing smile aesthetics: Veneers can change the appearance of a smile, making it whiter, more attractive, and natural.

Besides, veneers can address numerous cosmetic issues with teeth, help enhance the appearance of a smile, and increase confidence in individuals dealing with these problems.

Veneers are made from thin ceramic or composite material. Ceramic veneers are created from a ceramic block, which is shaped and processed using computer-aided design and computer milling technology (CAD/CAM).


Afterward, ceramic veneers are fired at a very high temperature to enhance their strength and aesthetic properties. Composite veneers are made from a special composite material, which is shaped and polymerized (hardened) on-site during the procedure. The dentist uses a special lamp to expedite the polymerization of the composite and combine the veneer to the tooth.
Both materials have high strength, durability, and aesthetic qualities that allow for a natural tooth appearance. Additionally, they are resistant to stains and corrosion, so veneers can save their original appearance for many years with proper care.

The veneer installation process typically involves several steps:

The veneer installation process typically involves several steps:
  1. Consultation and assessment: Before installing veneers, the dentist conducts a consultation with the patient to assess the condition of the teeth and ensure that veneers are suitable for the case. If veneers are deemed suitable, the dentist takes an impression of the teeth and creates a model that will be used in the veneer fabrication.

  2. Tooth preparation: Prior to veneer installation, the dentist needs to prepare the surface of the teeth. This usually involves removing a thin layer of enamel from the front surface of the tooth (up to 0.7 mm) to create space for the veneer. If teeth are damaged, they may require additional treatment.

  3. Creation of artificial teeth: After the tooth impression has been made, the dentist sends it to the laboratory where custom veneers made of ceramic or composite material are crafted. This process can take several days.

  4. Veneer installation: When the veneers are ready, the dentist places them on the teeth. Veneers are secured to the teeth using special light-sensitive adhesive that hardens under the influence of light. The dentist then checks the bite and makes any necessary adjustments to ensure that the veneers fit comfortably and correctly.

Overall, the veneer installation process is relatively quick and straightforward but requires specific skills and experience to achieve the best results. After veneers are installed, patients are advised to maintain oral hygiene and regularly visit the dentist to preserve the health of their teeth.

How are veneers made?

Veneers can be made from different materials, including ceramics and composite material. The process of making veneers may vary slightly depending on the material and technology used, but the general steps can be as follows:

  1. Digital tooth scanning: First, the dentist performs a 3D scan of the teeth using a special 3D scanner called Primescan Sirona . The scanned data of the teeth are then sent to the laboratory.

  2. Model creation: Based on the 3D scan of the teeth, a model is created, serving as the foundation for crafting custom veneers.

How are veneers made?
  1. Veneer shaping: Individual veneers are crafted from the chosen material using various tools and technologies. If ceramic is used, veneer creation may involve computer modeling and milling, followed by firing at high temperatures to strengthen the material and enhance its aesthetic properties. If composite material is used, it is shaped directly on the tooth and hardened using a special lamp.

  2. Veneer fixation: Once the veneers are ready, they are affixed to the teeth using a special light-sensitive adhesive that hardens under light exposure.

  3. Adjustment and fine-tuning: After veneer fixation, the dentist performs adjustments and finishing touches to achieve the perfect bite and comfort.

Overall, the veneer manufacturing process demands precision and craftsmanship, so it is typically carried out by professional dentists or dental technicians in a specialized laboratory, such as our own "Sa-Nata Dynasty" laboratory.

Advantages of veneers:


Veneer installation offers several advantages over other methods of dental correction:

  1. Aesthetics: Veneers are made from materials that mimic the natural color and texture of teeth, allowing for a natural and attractive smile.

  2. Minimally invasive method: Veneers do not require the removal of a large amount of tooth enamel, as is often done with crowns, for example
    Most veneer procedures can be performed without painful injections.

  3. Longevity: Veneers are crafted from high-quality materials that are not only aesthetically appealing but also strong and durable.

  1. Speed: Veneer installation typically takes from a few days to a few weeks. This is significantly faster than other tooth correction methods, which may require several months of treatment.

  2. Addressing multiple issues: Veneers can help solve various problems, such as crooked teeth, gaps, damaged, or worn-down teeth.

  3. Improved dental health: Veneers can protect damaged teeth from further harm and help prevent the development of cavities and other dental issues.

These advantages make veneer installation a highly popular procedure in modern dentistry. At the Sa-Nata dental clinics, experienced specialists with aesthetic vision and understanding are available. Our team has already served more than 60,000 happy patients – owners of beautiful and healthy smiles. They trust us and choose us. Additionally, our own dental laboratory, "Sa-Nata Dynasty," enables us to create unique, in-house veneers from the most durable, long-lasting, and aesthetic materials using digital technologies.

Виниры для зубов: противопоказания к установке

Установка виниров — это эффективный и эстетичный способ улучшить внешний вид зубов, однако не всем пациентам подходит эта методика. К основным противопоказаниям относят: 

  • Серьезные стоматологические заболевания. Перед процедурой необходимо пройти лечение основного заболевания, чтобы избежать инфекции или осложнений.
  • Неправильный прикус. Может потребоваться предварительная ортодонтическая коррекция.
  • Трудности с гигиеной полости рта. Ношение виниров требует от пациента соблюдения тщательной гигиены.
  • Бруксизм. Если у пациента есть эта привычка, рекомендуется провести лечение бруксизма перед процедурой, например, с помощью капы для сна.
  • Тонкая или ослабленная эмаль зубов. Эмаль может не обеспечить должную прочность для фиксации винира, что может привести к его повреждению или отслоению.

Специальные накладки изготавливаются из различных материалов, таких как керамика или композит, и в редких случаях у пациента может возникнуть аллергия на компоненты, используемые в их производстве. Перед установкой виниров в Киеве рекомендуется провести тест на аллергические реакции.

В каких случаях невозможно установить виниры?

Если зуб сильно разрушен или отсутствует в нужной области, поставить виниры в Киеве может быть невозможно без таких предварительных процедур, как установка коронки или импланта. В таких случаях важно пройти полноценное восстановление перед реконструкцией зубов.

В клинике Sa-nata перед установкой виниров в Киеве проводится детальная диагностика, чтобы убедиться в отсутствии противопоказаний и подобрать оптимальное решение для каждого пациента. Профессиональный подход и индивидуальная консультация помогут определить, подходит ли эта процедура вам и обеспечит ли она наилучший результат.