How does implantation take place? Stages of dental implantation in Sa-Nata

How does implantation take place? Stages of dental implantation in Sa-Nata

Never before has implant placement been so easy and quick. Modern techniques and technologies are so advanced in this direction that implantation in some cases is carried out simultaneously and according to a ready-made template. Many patients cannot decide on this procedure because they are afraid of complications or because they do not have enough information about how implantation works.

The network of dental clinics "Sa-Nata" can be proud of its specialists: surgeons - implantologists, doctors of the highest category, who have many years of experience and knowledge, worked out and confirmed in many years of practice

Our specialists choose only high-quality materials for work with patients

  • Korean system of implantation “Megagen”
  • German implant system “Ankylos”
  • Swiss dental system “Straumann”
  • South Korean dental implant system “Osstem”.

A specialist will help you with the choice of one or another implantation system after a detailed diagnosis and study of your clinical situation. The choice of implantation system depends on the indications and is based on the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

How the procedure of implantation is carried out?

How the procedure of implantation is carried out?

The first stage of implantation

  • Preparation and Diagnosis. In order to correctly select an implantation system and make a treatment plan, it is necessary to study the individual situation of the patient promptly. At this stage, computer X-ray diagnostics is carried out, with the help of which the specialist evaluates the possibility of installing one or another implant system, the state of the bone tissue and determines the future location of the pin (implant). Also, it is necessary to determine the need of additional operations (for example, replanting the missing bone tissue). Before the installation of the implant, professional hygiene and a complete sanitation of the patient's oral cavity are also needed.
  • Bone tissue augmentation (in case of its deficiency). To install an implant, a sufficient amount of bone is required, in case of its lack, osteoplasty is used. Osteoplasty is a surgery which helps to increase bone tissue. (*ссылка). After this procedure, we should give some time for the bone tissue to take root (about 2 months) and only after that proceed with the installation of the implant.
  • Pain relief. Local anesthesia is used and only for the mucous membrane. The fact is that after the removal of a tooth, there are no nerve endings in the bone, so anesthesia is used only for cutting soft tissue - the gums.
  • Gingival incision (with the help of a scalpel or laser, the gums and periosteum are carefully peeled off) and the bone specification: the type of bone and gum biotype - for further work with them.
  • Installation of the implant. The implant is placed in a pre-prepared bed in the bone of the alveolar outgrowth. After that, the implant (pin) is screwed into the prepared bed and a special plug is installed to protect the implant from tissue growth into it.
  • Sewing gums. This procedure is necessary for successful healing and engraftment of the implant, as well as to prevent possible infection.
  • X-ray control. A control X-ray image of the already installed implant is carried out.

The second stage of implantation

  • Gingiva former. 2-6 months after the implantation, the implant surgeon proceeds to the next stage - the installation of the former into the gum. To do this, it is necessary to evaluate the engraftment of a previously installed implant using X-ray diagnostics and then proceed with the installation. The shaper is a temporary element of the implantation system, which ensures the formation of the correct hole for the future abutment and the formation of an even, aesthetic gum. To install the former, tissue is excised above the installed implant, the protective plug is removed, and the former itself is installed.
  • Making a crown and installing an abutment. At this stage, a 3-D jaw scan is performed, the result of which is sent to the Sa-Nata Dynasty laboratory. Based on the scan result, the dental technician makes an individual prosthetic structure - a crown. The former is worn from 7 to 14 days, then it is replaced with a permanent abutment. An abutment is a connecting element on which the future crown will be attached.
  • Installation of the crown. After the individual prosthesis is ready, the specialist installs the crown part, which is attached to the previously installed abutment.

The components of the implantation system are somewhat similar to the designer. The implantation system consists of the implant itself (artificial root), protective cap, temporary gingiva former, permanent abutment and crown. Everything is thought out to the smallest detail and the installation itself takes a little time. On average, the procedure (for implanting one tooth (pin installation) takes from 40 to 60 minutes. But the time of the procedure may vary, depending on the individual clinical picture of the patient.

Control and prevention

Control and prevention. The specialists of the Sa-Nata network control not only all stages of the procedures, but also the patient's condition after the completion of all manipulations. It is also recommended to contact a specialist regularly for examinations and periodically for X-ray diagnostics, as well as overdoing high-quality home hygiene.

Recommendations after implantation from Sa-Nata specialists:

Recommendations after implantation from Sa-Nata specialists:
  • If there is any king of discomfort after the operation, it is recommended to drink painkillers (do not use drugs that have aspirin in the composition, this can cause bleeding). You should consult with your doctor and not choose painkillers by yourself.
  • The first time the food should be soft; include more fluids in the diet, eliminate straws in drinks.
  • It is recommended to reduce physical activity in the next 10 days after surgery, as well as baths, saunas, swimming pools and air travels (everything that can increase the blood pressure).
  • Gently rinse your mouth (not vigorously) after each meal with water at room temperature or a special solution prescribed by your specialist.
  • Home cleaning of the teeth should be gentle so as not to damage the soft tissue. The toothbrush should be with the softest bristles.
  • Exclusion of smoking and alcoholic beverages.
  • Try to avoid hypothermia and overheating of the body.
  • Follow all recommendations of your implant surgeon.
  • Regular visits to a specialist for check-ups, diagnostics and occupational hygiene.

In modern dentistry, the procedure of implantation has opened up great opportunities, since the installation of an implant solves many questions and problems. Since we live in a world of innovations and technologies that develop and do not stand still, do not be afraid of this procedure. Installing an implant is an operation, but not as terrifying and painful as many imagine it to be. In this aspect, the most important thing is to trust the process to a real experienced professional.

The network of dental clinics "Sa-Nata" and its team have been performing implant surgeries of any complexity for many years. There are no unresolved issues and hopeless situations for us! Therefore, you can be 1000% sure that your implantation in the Sa-Nata dentistry chair will be painless, prompt, under the full supervision of specialists and with a successful guaranteed result!
