Hygiene and prevention

Hygiene and prevention

The rudiments of the teeth are formed in humans before birth, roughly between 7 and 12 weeks after conception. Erupt first teeth much later – usually between 6 and 12 months of baby's life. The first dentition is completed around age two, when the baby's digestive organs can digest food more dense. If at this point the baby still has no teeth, it is a serious cause for concern and for the visit to children's dentistry. However, the first visit to a pediatric dentist it is better to plan a little early – between 1-1,5 years.

In this age, the doctor observes the eruption of deciduous teeth and the formation of an interim bite, gives tips on caring for the oral cavity and teeth of the child, carrying out of preventive examinations and procedures.

At a reception in dentistry "SA-NATA" (M. Osokorki, Poznyaky M., M. Lukyanovka) pediatric dentist will advise you on which toothpaste and brush better to buy for your child will teach the child how to properly brush, as an adult, how to control the quality of brushing.

Why  need to look carefully and constantly to observe the teeth that would soon fall out and naturally changes to become permanent?

This question excites many parents. Children's teeth structure is different from the adult permanent teeth, however, they are composed of softer fabrics and therefore are much more vulnerable. Pathological processes in the tissues of primary teeth are developing so rapidly that the tooth "dies", failing to declare itself an acute pain. Besides baby teeth outline the path of eruption of permanent teeth, so it is very important that the milk teeth to grow properly. That is why thorough care and constant monitoring of baby teeth are of great importance.


Hygiene and prevention, cost of services
