SA-NATA Lukyanovka the best dental clinic in Ukraine

Dental Clinic "SA-NATA" - brand, generosity, innovation, creativity and personality for the skin to the skin patient. Maya is 10 years old when I will be healthy and beautiful to live all over the world in a portable sensor network. Philosophy of our Company є love before People and more correctly. "SA-NATA" offers the widest range of dental services of the European region for the whole homeland. For us, an important skin is worse than the Patient, whether it’s a child with milk tooth or abnormal growth, a kind of demanding restoration of the dentition. Offers our Clinics are equipped with standard equipment for diagnostics and new possessions for improvement, so that we can satisfy our needs by using progressive methods.
Стоматологія Лукьянівка
Кофе в стоматологии
Стоматологія Київ
Лікування зубів
The team of doctors is experienced, ambitious people who constantly improve their professional skills and hone their skills. Everyone who comes to "Sa-Nata" Clinic notes the pleasant atmosphere of our Clinic, starting from the reception. A delicious coffee and smiles of administrators will help you relax and make sure that our friendly team will make every effort to make you feel welcome in our Clinic and turn your visit into a pleasant pastime.
Dental Clinic

Quality materials are the key to proper treatment

In our work, we use modern trips and only high-quality, environmentally friendly materials: photopolymers for fillings, implants, prostheses (manufactured in Israel, Germany, France) and glass-resin cement.

During caries, the cavities detected and treated can keep the tooth “alive.” ⠀ Therefore, pay attention to oral hygiene, use dental floss and undergo a dental examination!

"Hygiene and prevention: Scaling - tartar removal with an ultrasonic scaler Air flow - plaque removal with a jet of soda, water and air Application of fluorinating composition to tooth enamel"

Dental Clinic
Гарна посмішка
Здорова посмішка

The goals and stages of endodontic treatment:

  • Elimination of infection within the root canal system:
  • removal of pulp or its decay.
  • Giving the root canal the necessary shape to prepare for filling.
  • Improving the effectiveness of the drugs used.
  • Anesthesia
  • Providing the most concise and sufficient access to the mouths of the root canals;
  • Initial cleaning of the canal, determination of the exact working length, instrumental passage, expansion and formation, obstruction of the root canals and its control

"Identification and treatment of caries and its complications Canal treatment Art restoration - restoration of the original anatomical shape, structure, color and other parameters of the tooth."


During caries, the cavities detected and treated can keep the tooth “alive.” ⠀ Therefore, pay attention to oral hygiene, use dental floss and undergo a dental examination!


Dental SА-NATA Lukyanovka has а high-quality equipment, which allows the treatment and prevention teeth at the highest level with completely painless. Thus, each of our clients during the procedure will feel itself cozy and comfortable.


Surgery, Implantology

  • Tooth preserving and tooth extraction
  • Tongue frenum plastic, lips, RLO
  • Piezosurgery, Plasmolifting
  • Implant Installation, Sinus Lifting
  • Implant placement by template
  • Gingiva Shaper Installation
Імплантолог Київ

Dentists of our clinic own an arsenal of modern methods and technologies with which the treatment, restoration, bleaching and prosthetics will be most successful.


Orthopedics (prosthetics)

  • Removable prosthetics
  • Fixed prosthetics
  • Viniry

The most important moment in dentistry is the sterility of instruments !!!

"In modern dentistry ""SA-NATA"", this basis is rightfully given a lot of attention, therefore, the Clinic presents a wide range of the latest and innovative equipment. Autoclaves of the latest generation; Sterilizing machines that allow you to sterilize the most seemingly fragile instruments;"

Безпека у клініці
Стерилка у стоматології
Стерильність інструментарію

Our clinic Sa-NATA reviews which are always positive in the treatment of children, consult their parents free. Do you have questions? Consultants of dentistry always come to the aid. You may always apply by contact numbers, e-mail or Skype. Dental Clinic Sa- Nata - this is always health and beauty teeth and secured snow-white smile for long years. 
Would you like us to call you? Then you need to fill in the online form. We are waiting for you!

Dental Clinic SA-NATA reviews of grateful client

Clinic SA-NATA a reviews which you can always find and read on the website provides all its clients with a high level of services. We pay more attention to the treatment of our youngest clients.

We produce not only a comfortable painless treatment, but teach kids how to behave oral care, as well as teeth. 

Procedures with every child clinic staff spends in a friendly conversation, which in turn helps rid your child from fear of the drill and doctors. 


Clinic SA-NATA
Clinic SA-NATA

In order to become our client should refer to the managers and prior register at a convenient date and time. It should be noted that dentistry in Lukyanovka works round-the- clock, so to help arrive at  any time of the day or night. 

Dental Clinic "SA-NATA" (m. Osokorky , m. Poznyaky)

Located in the area of ​​dentistry good transport interchanges of Kiev, which allows it easily accessible by car or metro. Dentistry located in the area of ​a good transport interchanges of Kiev, which allows it easily accessible by car or metro. Provides a wide variety of dental services at accessible prices: the treatment of the gums, correction of occlusion, prosthetics, implants, surgery, cosmetic dentistry, children's dentistry, dental cleaning, and so on. More details to learn about them can be obtained from consultants, or on the website. 
