
Orthodontic bite is the correct alignment of dental rows with full occlusion and maximum contact with each other. An incorrect bite can be formed due to various factors. It has a significant impact on a person's physiological and psychological health. An incorrect bite is almost always noticeable externally. More than 80% of all patients consult an orthodontist with issues related to an incorrect bite. Often, aside from external factors, an incorrect bite may not bother the patient. However, there are cases of complicated bite situations that require intervention not only from an orthodontist and surgeon but also from a gnathologist.

Thanks to modern technology, innovations, and new methods, there is a wide range of options for correcting the bite today. These options can include various bracket systems, transparent aligners, orthodontic plates and appliances, gnathological treatment, and more. Before we explore its varieties, let's determine its symptoms.

Symptoms of an incorrect bite:

  • Noticeable signs of facial and lip asymmetry.
  • Lack of proper alignment of the upper and lower jaws in the front and on the sides.
  • Visible gaps between teeth.
  • Irregular dental alignment, overlapping of teeth, misaligned teeth, or multiple issues.
  • Lower incisors are not visible.
  • Excessive plaque buildup in a specific area of the dental row.
  • Gum bleeding during brushing and while chewing solid food.
  • Lips don't fully close in a relaxed state.
  • Speech defects (e.g., lisping).
  • Posture problems (e.g., excessive hunching, head and shoulders pushed forward, lower jaw in a backward position).
  • Clicking and discomfort when opening the jaws (e.g., jaw joint clicking during chewing).



What factors influence the formation of an incorrect bite?


The most important thing to know is that a child's bite development begins long before they start speaking. So, if you want your child to have a correct bite and avoid future problems, we recommend reading our separate article on this topic. But, in any case, remember that correcting a bite is possible at any age!

  • Excessive and prolonged pacifier use (it's preferable for children to stop using pacifiers after 1 year).
  • Hereditary factors.
  • Harmful childhood habits like thumb-sucking or object-biting.
  • Delayed removal of baby teeth in children.
  • Long-term absence of teeth in the jaw after removal or loss (in adults).
  • Pregnancy-related issues, anemia, metabolic disorders.
  • Cold-related illnesses can lead to mouth breathing in children.
  • Inadequate chewing pressure (a lack of hard foods in the diet can lead to insufficient jaw growth and development in children).
  • Harmful acquired habit - chewing food on one side.
  • Lack of fluoride and calcium in the body.
  • Injuries and dental issues.

Before discussing the different types of incorrect bites, let's understand what a correctly formed bite is. 

Types of correct bites:

Physiologically, a correct orthodontic bite is characterized by the proper alignment of the upper and lower teeth, the absence of gaps or spaces between teeth, and it doesn't cause any disruptions during chewing function.

Types of correct bites:

  • Orthognathic bite - the most common type of correctly formed bite characterized by the tight alignment of all teeth.
  • Straight bite - a bite in which the upper and lower jaws are of the same size, and incisors and molars align correctly and evenly.
  • Bioprogathic bite - a bite where incisors have a slight forward curve while still making contact with each other (often found in children and teenagers).
  • Prognathic bite - this type of bite can be considered both correct and incorrect (mesial). The prognathic bite is considered correct when teeth develop normally. It is characterized by slightly protruded lower teeth without disrupting contact.

Types of incorrect bites


An incorrect bite is typically characterized by significant and noticeable misalignment of the upper and lower jaw teeth. It is characterized by loose tooth alignment, gaps and spaces between teeth, lack of contact between incisors and molars, the upper jaw may be significantly smaller or larger in size, and there may be issues like recession and crowding in the dental row.

Types of incorrect bites:

  • Open bite - a pathological bite formation where upper and lower teeth do not close (often a common result of excessive pacifier use in childhood).
  • Deep bite - a condition in which upper teeth cover more than a third of the lower teeth during closure, leading to speech defects and potential mucous membrane injuries.
  • Mesial or prognathic bite - a bite where the lower jaw is noticeably protruded compared to the upper jaw; it is considered one of the most challenging and leads to facial proportion and symmetry issues.
  • Crossbite - a bite in which the lower jaw is shifted to the side relative to the upper jaw, often accompanied by mispositioning of one or more teeth.
  • Distal bite - one of the types of dental anomalies that can lead to tooth destruction. A distal bite indicates excessive development of the upper or underdevelopment of the lower jaw. In this condition, the upper jaw protrudes significantly, while the lower jaw seems recessed.

An incorrect bite should not be ignored; it requires treatment and correction. Even if a poorly formed bite doesn't currently affect your functionality, leaving it untreated can lead to physiological problems in the future.

What are the dangers of leaving an incorrectly formed bite uncorrected?

  • Premature tooth loss.
  • Development of cracks and chips on the teeth.
  • Onset of periodontitis.
  • Accelerated tooth decay.
  • Gum sensitivity.
  • Formation of gum ulcers.
  • Incidence of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Gastrointestinal problems.
  • Psychological issues.

An incorrect bite is not just a dental problem but a general medical concern. At "Sa-Nata," we can resolve situations of any complexity!


Each type of bite has its own methods for treatment and correction. Patients of all ages seek help for incorrect bites, but it's essential to start addressing this issue from the early years of a child's life. Therefore, do not neglect timely consultation with a specialist and entrust the health of your teeth to true experts in the field. We look forward to seeing you at "Sa-Nata"!"

От чего зависят цены на услуги ортодонта?

Цены ортодонтии в клинике Sa-nata зависят от нескольких факторов, которые включают:

  • Тип и сложность случая. В зависимости от степени нарушения прикуса (классический, сложный или комбинированный) стоимость лечения может варьироваться. Чем сложнее коррекция, тем дороже исправление прикуса
  • Выбор метода коррекции. В клинике могут использоваться различные методы исправления прикуса, такие как брекеты, капы (инвизилайн), лингвальные брекеты или комбинация нескольких методов. Стоимость зависит от выбранной технологии и используемых материалов.
  • Возраст пациента. У детей и подростков лечение может быть менее затратным, так как зубы и челюсти более подвижны. Но взрослые нередко требуют более сложных и продолжительных процедур, что увеличивает итоговую цену ортодонтии
  • Продолжительность лечения. Чем дольше требуется носить аппараты (брекеты или капы), тем выше стоимость. Планирование лечения и количество визитов к ортодонту также влияют на общую цену.

Цена ортодонтии в Киеве также зависит от выбранных брекетов (металлические, керамические, сапфировые) или других устройств. Более эстетичные и удобные решения могут быть дороже.

Цены на исправление прикуса: влияние дополнительных процедур

В некоторых случаях могут потребоваться такие дополнительные процедуры, как удаление зубов, корректировка мягких тканей, имплантация или использование ортодонтических аппаратов для улучшения результата. Все это также влияет на итоговую стоимость лечения. 

Для точной оценки стоимости исправления прикуса в клинике Sa-nata рекомендуется пройти консультацию у ортодонта, который подберет оптимальный метод лечения в зависимости от индивидуальных особенностей пациента и сложности ситуации.

Orthodontics (bite correction), our work

Orthodontics (bite correction), cost of services

The doctors
