Children's orthodontics in “Sa-Nata”. Variety of methods

Children's orthodontics in "Sa-Nata" includes a wide range of various modern techniques: all kinds of removable and non-removable orthodontic appliances, various braces, aligners for children, treatment of joint diseases (pediatric gnatology), treatment of skeletal pathology (underdevelopment of the upper or lower jaw ), myogymnastics and much more.

Basically, children's orthodontics is not specifically aimed at straightening teeth, but at forming a correct bite. Orthodontics for children in dentistry deals with the abnormal development of the jaw, identifies certain existing pathologies and treats them.

In a newborn, the lower jaw is initially slightly behind (distal type of bite), this is normal. Over the time, the position of the jaw develops and physiologically changes. But, during growth and development, some childhood bad habits can interfere with the proper formation of the jaws. Usually, defects in teeth, jaw development and abnormal processes are acquired, but, of course, genetics can also affect the development of pathological processes in the body.

Children's orthodontics in “Sa-Nata”. Variety of methods

Children's habits that can affect the formation of malocclusion:

  • using a pacifier for a long period of time
  • thumb sucking
  • Frequent feeding from a baby bottle or cup with a too large opening (the baby must make an effort, have some natural load for the correct and physiological development of the jaws)
  • Infantile type of swallowing (improper laying of the tongue in the oral cavity)
  • the habit of breathing through the mouth on an ongoing basis (malocclusion is formed - narrowing of the jaws, a strong inclination of the teeth).
  • biting cheeks

In childhood, when the body is at the stage of growth and formation, it is much easier to correct malocclusion than in adulthood. The sooner problems are identified and addressed, the better!

How does the correct bite affect the health of the child?

How does the correct bite affect the health of the child?
  • Forms the correct development of speech
  • Provides a quality process of chewing food
  • Helps to avoid serious dental interventions in adulthood
  • Forms correct facial expressions and natural symmetrical facial features
  • Plays a role in shaping the child's posture
  • Provides even distribution of chewing load
  • Provides an opportunity to carry out high-quality home hygiene, thereby avoiding caries, periodontal and other diseases.

Bite can be:

  • Correct (orthognathic) bite: the upper dentition closes with the lower row according to the “lock-key” principle. The correct bite is also considered to be if there is a slight rotation of several teeth or a slight crowding in the row.
  • Incorrect bite - the growth and development of the jaws does not correspond to the correct physiology and full functionality, teeth erupt in non-standard places, there is not enough space in the jaw, and so on.

Malocclusion can be:

  1. Distal bite - different position of the upper and lower jaws, the upper one is pushed forward, the lower one is behind; characterized by insufficient development of the lower jaw or excessive development of the upper jaw in relation to the lower and vice versa. It is a consequence of respiratory disorders.
  2. Mesial bite - a large protruding chin, due to the presence of certain violations of the anatomy of the lower jaw, can also be formed as a result of blocking the natural development of the upper teeth.
  3. Open bite - the front teeth do not close, unlike the side teeth. It is the reason for the presence of children's habits: sucking a finger, pacifiers, the child often gnaws a pen, a pencil - the presence of infantile swallowing.
  4. Deep bite - the upper jaw significantly overlaps the lower jaw as a result of insufficient physiological development of the lower jaw. It is a serious, traumatic type of malocclusion in a child. In such a situation, the incisors during the chewing process injure the palate. May lead to severe gum disease.
  5. Crossbite - manifests itself both in the anterior dentition and in its lateral areas. The shift of the chin to the right or left is clearly visible, and the front lower teeth can also overlap the front teeth of the upper jaw.
Malocclusion can be:

Methods of bite correction in the network of clinics "SA-NATA"

Methods of bite correction in the network of clinics

Removable orthodontic appliances

Removable orthodontic appliances - plates (bioblocks, twin blocks), mouth guards, trainers (night devices), etc.

Bioblocks and twinblocks that solve the problems of underdevelopment of the jaws.

Bioblocks are various types of removable devices that provide an opportunity to treat various kinds of malocclusion.

Twinblocks - removable devices to stimulate the growth of the lower jaw (eliminate the need for more serious orthodontics in adulthood).

Each device has its own individual indications and functions, therefore it is made individually for the patient. The device can add special springs that further align some of the teeth, or a special tongue flap to get rid of the infantile type of swallowing. You can also add various “bite blocks” that pose the lower jaw correctly. In most cases, we do not put on a ready-made classical record in our practice, we always proceed from the individual characteristics of the child and add auxiliary nuances that a particular patient needs.

Also, special orthodontic appliances are actively used to expand the upper and lower jaws (for an additional place for growth and development of permanent teeth).

Bracket systems - non-removable orthodontic appliances.

"Sa-Nata" uses in its work only high-quality materials, proven in practice and experience. Our orthodontists work with bracket systems such as:

  • Metal bracket system (MINI, self-ligating)
  • Aesthetic bracket system
  • Ceramic (including self-ligating)
  • Sapphire bracket system
  • Lingual bracket system

Children's aligners - a system of invisible orthodontic aligners

Modern transparent mouthguards made of hypoallergenic material for bite correction and teeth alignment. They have certain indications for use and are absolutely safe for the child. A set of transparent aligners is made individually and is replaced every month with a new pair. They are able to cope with such problems as: gaps between the teeth, incorrect position of the teeth (no more than 4) and overlapping of the incisors. They are used for non-serious bite anomalies, do not require complex fixation, have an aesthetic appearance and are easy to use for a child.

Children's gnatology

Children's gnatology - treatment of articular diseases: accurate diagnostics of the joints and assessment of the position of the joints. In the presence of displacements, the presence of clicks, pain in the joints, if there is asymmetry and discomfort when opening the mouth, one or another orthodontic apparatus can be used to expand the jaws, the use of spleen therapy and deprogrammers.

Children's gnatology - treatment of incorrect position of the jaw (during displacement).

  • Spleen therapy - the use of occlusive splints made of polymer material to stabilize the jaw. They are somewhat similar to mouth guards, they are made individually for the patient, they change the closing of the teeth. They solve such problems as: dysfunction of the temporomandibular joints (TMJ), problems of neuromuscular coordination, incorrect movement of the lower jaw, malocclusion, bruxism, uneven load on muscles and joints.
  • Deprogrammers - a special design that reduces the activity of the muscles of the maxillofacial apparatus due to a change in the position of the jaw. This technique is aimed at eliminating muscle spasms (for example, grinding teeth in a dream), discomfort, pain. The deprogrammer is similar to a mouthguard with a special plastic overlay on the frontal zone of the dentition at an angle of 45 or 90 degrees.

Treatment of children's skeletal pathology

Treatment of children's skeletal pathology - the presence of underdevelopment of the jaws. With the help of special devices, the growth of the upper or lower jaw is stimulated.


Myogymnastics is prescribed when the child swallows incorrectly, if the child has bad habits (lip biting, incorrect tongue position). It is necessary for the formation of the correct myostatic balance (even distribution of pressure, the correct function of the tongue, lips and cheeks, proper breathing through the nose).

It is possible to deal with the issue of bite correction at any age, thanks to modern technologies and methods. But the question is - which orthodontic method of treatment to apply. If you do not want your child to have serious problems, long-term treatment and surgical intervention in his adulthood, then our specialists recommend correcting the bite and forming the correct functionality and development of the dentition at an early age. At the initial stage (in childhood and adolescence), the problem of malocclusion and other detected pathologies can be solved promptly and efficiently without much effort and expense.

The bite affects the health of the child - this should be taken into account. After all, a growing organism that is just developing can easily be corrected and corrected. Moreover, the formation of the correct functionality of the dentition directly affects the formation of the child's posture, his formation of correct speech, facial expressions and symmetry of facial features. And a beautiful and even smile from an early age will form your child's self-confidence and the ability to win over others. After all, a smile is our calling card.

It is recommended to start the first acquaintance with an orthodontist at the age of 5-6 years. It is at this stage that it is already possible to detect the manifestation of certain pathologies and take timely measures in the early stages.

It's no secret that the rudiments of permanent molars are already formed in the womb, and some of the most common childhood habits that can seriously affect the development of occlusion begin in the first years of life. Therefore, you should not postpone the acquaintance of your baby and the orthodontist. After all, it is better to eradicate the problem and get rid of it in the early stages of the development of a particular pathology than to solve a problem that has been formed for years.

Children are the most precious and valuable thing for us in life! Therefore, it is so important to find a competent professional who can be trusted with the health of your child. The network of dental clinics "SA-NATA" employs true professionals in their field, qualified doctors and experienced children's specialists. The peculiarity of the provision of dental services in "SA-NATA" lies in the individual comprehensive approach to the patient. The orthodontist often works together with the gnatologist, surgeon and therapist. This increases efficiency and guarantees a successful treatment outcome. In the “Sa-Nata” network, your child is in good hands!
