Treatment of children's caries

Treatment of children's caries

There is such a wrong opinion among parents that there is no point in treating milk children's teeth. After all, they will fall out anyway and be replaced by permanent molars. This is a very serious and detrimental mistake, since the development and condition of milk teeth directly affects the health of permanent teeth.

It is with this mistake that all diseases and pathologies begin that your child may already encounter in adolescence. That is why milk teeth must be treated and you should responsibly monitor their health.

Why is the health of permanent teeth directly dependent on the health of milk teeth?

An infection that develops in a milk tooth also spreads to the rudiments of future permanent ones. As a result, the permanent molar erupts and develops already sick. Therefore, it is very important to carefully monitor the health of milk teeth and prevent the deep caries.

Another common gross mistake is that parents, in order not to injure the child's psyche with a visit to the doctor, avoid any contact with the dentist. Why is this fundamentally wrong approach? The fact is that postponing a visit to a specialist, caries on a child's tooth in the initial stage (which can be easily and painlessly removed) develops, aggravates and eventually leads to complications. It is at this moment, when the child is no longer able to endure the pain and it is impossible to get rid of the symptoms at home, and only then you run to a specialist. In the chair, it turns out that the situation is already complicated and manipulations require more time and intervention. This is stress for you, for your child, and of course a risk to the health of his teeth.

Our experts strongly recommend not to choose this path, but to apply immediately, even with slight discomfort, in order to avoid unwanted stress and the development of complications. In addition, with such small and easy visits, you will more competently, softly and “smoothly” prepare your baby for visits to the dentist. And next time he will no longer be so afraid of these events, as he will know that there is nothing frightening in such visits.

Milk children's tooth is less durable than the permanent one and quite vulnerable. Caries on a milk tooth develops very rapidly and its enamel is more susceptible to plaque and damage. That is why you should take care of the milk tooth immediately after it has erupted.

Stages of children’s caries:

Spot on tooth enamel

The initial stage of caries, which does not damage the integrity of the tooth. In most cases, they are observed on the front teeth and canines of white color. Usually does not cause much discomfort and pain. But it is at this stage that experts already recommend to make an appointment to the dentist in order to prevent complications.

Superficial caries of a milk tooth

The stain becomes darker in color, damages the enamel, but the dentin of the tooth is not affected. At this stage of tooth decay, the baby may feel pain and sensitivity of the teeth. In such situation, a pediatric specialist may decide to do a procedure of remineralization or a filling).

Average children's caries

Damage to the tooth at this stage already affects the dentin of the tooth, which greatly increases the sensitivity to hot and cold, and can also cause severe pain. In this situation, caries is treated by cleansing and removing the affected area and then filling of the tooth.

Deep caries of a milk tooth

It is a neglected, complicated stage, in which the dentin of the tooth is severely damaged. It is accompanied by cutting pain and the presence of noticeable carious areas in the tooth: chips, black dots and indentations, significant destruction, and can also cause bad breath. In this case, preparation and filling is necessary. Also, depending on the degree of complication, it is possible to apply a medicinal temporary pad, then install a permanent filling on the tooth.

Also, children's caries can be primary and secondary. Primary caries is characterized by the occurrence of tooth damage for the first time. Secondary caries implies the occurrence of damage to the tooth previously treated.

How to notice the caries?

How to notice the caries?
  • Noticeable stains on teeth (white, brown)
  • Presence of carious cavities
  • Painful sensations, discomfort with pressure, eating
  • Sensitivity to hot/cold/sour
  • Bad breath
  • Increased body temperature, nausea, weakness

In general, milk children's teeth are more susceptible to the development of caries, and infection develops much faster on milk teeth than on permanent ones.

Causes of children’ caries:

  • Consequences of infectious diseases
  • Excessive intake of sweets
  • Hereditary predisposition
  • Lack of calcium and fluorine
  • Poor quality and irregular oral hygiene (*link to the article “hygiene lesson”)
  • Sharing cutlery with parents
  • Maternal smoking during pregnancy may also affect the future development of caries in baby’s teeth
  • Use of certain drugs in the first 2 years of a baby's life
  • Excessive drinking from a bottle for a sufficiently long period of time
Causes of children’ caries:

Treatment of children's caries in "Sa-Nata"

Treatment of children's caries in

As in the treatment of adults’ caries (based on our ten years of experience), the most effective method is the standard cleansing of the affected area, preparation and filling of the tooth. But since children are not as emotionally stable as adults and are afraid of any extraneous sounds, unusual sensations in the dentist's chair, our pediatric specialists use some tricks in their practice.

Therefore, our specialists are not just qualified dentists, but also excellent child psychologists. The service of psychological adaptation of the child to the upcoming manipulations is often used in our clinics (*link to the article “psychological adaptation”). This process is quite effective and positively affects the result of treatment. The clinic “Sa-Nata” also presents a very wide range of modern and safe painkillers, including “treatment in a dream”.  That is why parents of our little patients can be 200% sure that the treatment of your baby's caries will be painless and prompt. And in the end of the appointment, your child will receive an obligatory gift!

Trust your most valuable, your beloved kids only to qualified and experienced professionals! "Sa-Nata" will not only turn your child's visit to the dentist into an exciting and interesting game, but also provide a comfortable and painless treatment with a guaranteed successful result and with the exception of possible further retreatment! We will take care of you, your children, save your nerves, finances and give your family only positive emotions and impressions from visiting us!
