Dental Clinic
Dental Clinic

Dental clinic "Sa-Nata" is, first of all, safety and quality treatment. We are always ready to help people who need to provide dental services of any complexity. There is nothing to scare us. For all the years of our work - the trust of all patients is the most important thing for us.
We work every day just for you. We remain responsible during this time and help in any way we can. The door of "Sa-Nata" is always open for you.

Dental Clinic
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Стоматология Осокорки
Професійне обслуговування
Dental Clinic

Sa-Nata has reached a new level!

The network of clinics "Sa-Nata", thanks to the many years of experience of our specialists, professionals in their field and thousands of happy healthy smiles of our patients, have allowed us to make a large-scale leap to a new level in the field of dental services in the city of Kiev! We are glad to share this significant event with you - the network of clinics "Sa-Nata" opens its new doors to the third clinic "Sa-Nata Dynasty"! We painstakingly and consciously went to this stage of our development and now we are proud and confident to present to your attention a completely new and modern format of a dental clinic! "Sa-Nata Dynasty" is a magicala workshop where your most cherished dreams come true on the way to an aesthetically beautiful, healthy and snow-white smile with results for many years! Nothing is impossible for us! "Sa-Nata Dynasty" is a completely new era of the dental industry in the capital! A completely new approach, modern equipment of the latest generation, the invaluable experience of our doctors of the highest category, the results of our many years of work made themselves felt and led to the creation of the 3rd clinic of the Sa-Nata network! We have something to surprise and delight you! Call and make an appointment and you can immediately see for yourself without further ado!

Welcome to the website of dental clinic "SA-NATA"

Dental Clinic "SA-NATA" is a brand that combines quality, innovation, creativity and an individual approach to each of our Patients. For almost 10 years we give healthy and beautiful smiles around the world in the literal and figurative sense. The philosophy of our Company is the love to people and the right treatment.

"SA-NATA" provides a full range of European-level dental services for the whole family. Each patient is very important for us, whether it is a child with a milk tooth treatment or an adult who needs a complete restoration of the integrity of the dentition. Both of our Clinics are equipped with modern diagnostic devices and the latest treatment equipment, which enables our specialists to work with the most advanced methods. The team of doctors is experienced, ambitious people who constantly improve their professional skills and hone their skills.

Dental Clinic
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Dental Clinic
Dental ClinicЗубна більDental Clinic

Everyone who comes to "Sa-Nata", notes the pleasant atmosphere of our Clinic, starting with the reception. A delicious coffee and smiles of administrators will help you to relax and make sure that our friendly team will make every effort to make you feel welcome in our clinic and turn your visit into a pleasant pastime.

Sa-Nata: “Healthy teeth for everybody! ”

Round-the-clock dentistry Kiev has at disposal the most modern and safety radiographic equipment of the panoramic image of the teeth - orthopantomogram



Roentgenology (diagnostics)

  • Dental X-ray image (orthopantomogram)
  • Target X-ray image


Therapeutic dentistry

  • Detection and treatment of caries
  • Canal treatment
  • Art restoration - restoration of the original anatomical shape, structure, color and other parameters of the tooth
Timely discovered and treated carious cavities allow you to keep the tooth “alive.” ⠀ Therefore, pay attention to oral hygiene, use dental floss and undergo a dental examination!


Aesthetic dentistry

  • Art restoration of teeth
  • Dental bleaching
  • Decoration gems


  • Treatment of canals of any complexity
  • Work with a microscope
  • Build-up
Ендодонтичне лікування
Здорові зуби
Лікування зубів
Стоматолог Київ

Pay attention to oral hygiene and be sure to go through a dentist examination every six months! Take action in advance and keep your teeth alive and healthy!

Професійна гігієна
Профілактічній огляд


Hygiene and prevention

  • Scaling - dental tartar of ultrasonic scaler
  • Air flow- dental deposit by jet soda, water and air
  • Application fluorinating composition on tooth enamel


Parodontics (gum treatment)

  • Vector therapy - the most modern method of treating periodontal disease by German machine «Vector»
  • Splintage
Лікування ясен
Пародонтолог Київ
Are you still embarrassed by your smile? Then immidiately visit the "SA-NATA" Clinic! There are no impossible tasks for us!

Orthopedics (prosthetics)

  • Removable prosthetics
  • Fixed prosthetics
  • Viniry
Imprinting has not been so easy! Using 3Shape, the patient, without getting up from his chair, sees his problem first on the screen, and then - a virtual simulation of his future tooth, crown or implant with absolutely accurate color reproduction. And in addition to experiencing complete comfort, it receives the highest quality result and significantly saves its precious time. Rather, sign up for a free consultation at SA-NATA!


Имплантация Киев
Стоматолог-імплантолог Київ


  • Implant installation (in the arsenal of 10 different systems available)
  • Implant placement by template
  • Sinus Lifting
  • Gingiva Shaper Installation
  • Plasma lifting

With us you will receive emergency dental care and detailed advice on any matter of interest.

Surgery dentistry

  • Tooth protector operation
  • Exodontia
  • Plastic frenulum of the lips and tongue
Dental clinic


  • Consultation
  • Splint therapy
  • Kappa

Dentists of our clinic own an arsenal of modern methods and technologies with which the treatment, restoration, bleaching and prosthetics will be most successful.

Dental clinic
Dental clinic
Dental clinic
Dental clinic
Гарна посмішка
ортодонтія Київ
Dental clinic


Orthodontia(correction occlusion)

  • Laminae on the teeth(trainers and caps)
  • Ligature braces-system (traditional)
  • Self-regulatory braces-system
  • Lingual braces ( internal braces-system)
  • Retainers (removable and fixed)


Braces are locks that are attached to the teeth and connected with each other by a special arch that evens out the dentition. Putting braces in the Clinic "SA-NATA" - it is guaranteed to find a beautiful smile, to avoid dental diseases and impaired gastrointestinal function. Anzhela Viktorovna, our orthodontist, also a candidate of medical sciences, carefully approaches the case of each patient and offers an individual version of the bracket system. All our patients are delighted with the result! And the process of wearing does not bring discomfort. If you still have doubts whether to put braces or not - DO IT! And rejoice in smooth and beautiful teeth! "SA-NATA" will help you with this! Sign up for a consultation and our specialists will answer all your questions.


Children Dentistry 

  • Hygiene and prevention
  • Treatment and filling
  • Sealing fissure 
Dental clinic

The design of the equipment is specifically designed so not to traumatize the child's psyche. That is, everything from A to Z done so to get rid of not only the image of the "evil masters of torture", but also to make sure that the child wanted to care for teeth. Children dental clinic, certainly advise, which toothpaste and toothbrush is better to buy for your child, teach kids how to brush and adults how to produce quality control dentifrice. 
Dear Parents, comes with your children to our dental clinic. In the treatment of children - for parents free consultation.

Стерилізація інструментів
Стоматологія Са-Ната
Са-Ната Київ

We guarantee our clients the highest protection against infection with various infections during the treatment, so we trust a lot of people. All the tools needed in the course of treatment, as well as consumables use one ; with regard to the premises and the equipment that is used repeatedly in several stages carry out sterilization, the use of ultrasound, ultraviolet, as well as a variety of quality disinfectors and autoclaves.

To ensure that your teeth are healthy and your smile always looked at "a million dollars" - Dental clinic SA-NATA on Poznyaky works for you round-the-clock.

Sincerely, The Dental clinic "SA-NATA"

Beautiful smile - is a real treasure. It is an inexhaustible source of compliments and good mood. If you want to catch a reciprocal smile - smile.

Dental clinic

Round-the-clock dentistry "SA-NATA" in Kiev


Str. E.Chavdar, 11 (m. Osokorki/m. Poznyaki)

tel. (044) 577-02-67

mob. (097) 89-777-99

mob. (063) 400-97-97 

mob. (095) 90-90-457

Round-the-clock dentistry "SA-NATA" in Kiev

Welcome to our dental clinic "SA - NATA" and offers you the best dental services, both for you and for your entire family.


