Inflammation of the nerve of the tooth, the treatment of which in the Clinic of "Sa-Nata" is carried out both surgically and medically, requires immediate assistance to prevent complications. Conservative treatment of a tooth nerve is carried out only in the early stages of the inflammatory process.
How to remove the inflammation of the dental nerve, the doctor will determine individually and prescribe anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiseptic drugs. If the pathology is started, the removal of nerve fibers is required. This procedure is called depulpation.
Removal is carried out with a surgical instrument, the affected tissue is treated with antiseptic solutions, after the procedure, a seal is placed. The filling material is resorcinol, it has a bactericidal and mummifying effect, which prevents complications. After removal, preventive measures are prescribed, consisting in observing thorough oral hygiene.
You can also see our services of therapeutic dentistry.