Not everyone knows exactly what veneers are for teeth. First of all, this is a way to get a perfect smile, no different from Hollywood, to align the dentition, remove large interdental gaps. Dental veneers are special pads made at the "Sa-Nata" Dental Clinic individually according to the maxillary cast of each patient.


"If a doctor suggests putting veneers on your teeth, what does it mean and how do they look? These are plates whose thickness does not exceed 0.5 mm. They are installed on native crowns, covering all aesthetic flaws. Veneers can be: Ceramic - are considered the most reliable. Ceramic veneer is not exposed to thermal, chemical effects, is not painted in the process of wearing. You can wear such veneers from 10 to 20 years, without losing their appearance. Lumineers are pads that are installed only on the front row. Their fixing does not require preliminary facing of the fabric. The plate thickness does not exceed 0.3 mm. Composite veneers are made from composite materials, polymers or photopolymers. The term of their wearing is limited, in appearance they lose a little to ceramic counterparts.

Veneers are selected individually, taking into account the wishes of the patient himself. The cost and the method with which the veneers are installed depends on the material used to make the patch plate.

Indications and contraindications for installation

"Many people are interested in installing veneers, what kind of procedure is this, is it possible to do it for everyone, or are there any restrictions. These plates are recommended to be installed in the following cases:

-defects of the structure;

- yellow, uneven color of enamel;

- the presence of chips;

- old fillings;

-use of previously obsolete methods of dental restoration;

- anomalies in the location of crowns;

- the presence of large interdental fissures.

Knowing what veneers are, it is possible to determine contraindications, in the presence of which installation is prohibited: -grating; -bite defects; -anomalies in the structure of the fabric, which do not give the opportunity to correctly fix the plate; -lack of 1 or more crowns with roots; -chronic infectious diseases of the oral cavity. Such plates are not installed for people whose professional activity carries the risks of injuring the jaw, for example, boxing. This is just a decorative nozzle, it can be installed exclusively on a healthy dentition, and not hide diseases and pathologies.

If a person has contraindications to installing beautiful "tricks", the "Sa-Nata" dental Clinic will first work on the treatment of existing infectious diseases and correct dentition anomalies, and only then it will be possible to install beautiful, decorative plates.

How to care your teeth?

"It is important to understand when installing veneers that these are decorative plates that also require care. The main thing is to regularly brush them and deeply clean the mouth. There are a number of features when wearing similar products. So that they do not get damaged and do not lose their beautiful, aesthetic appearance, it is forbidden to eat crackers, seeds, it is not recommended to abuse caramel candies, nuts. It is strictly forbidden to expose the jaw to excessive stress and pressure. A few months after installation, it is recommended to avoid eating solid and dyed foods. With proper use and regular care, there is practically no risk of caries developing under the plate on native crowns. Nevertheless, dentists at the "Sa-Nata" Clinic recommend visiting a doctor every six months to undergo a routine examination.
