The dental bridge is called so, because externally it is similar to the engineering structure of the same name. The prosthesis is designed to restore chewing function and aesthetic appearance. Artificial crowns, sometimes with imitation of a part of the gums, are supported on 2 points. This can be the patient’s own dentition or stump inserts reinforcing damaged units. Implants are also used as a support.
Dental bridges also differ in the lower part. Depending on the degree of adherence to soft tissues, there are the following:
- flushing - the gap between the gum and the bottom of the prosthesis allows you to clean and rinse the cavity;
- tangents - the distance is minimal, which allows you to save speech and chewing functions and not damage the mucous membrane. As a rule, a dental bridge is installed - of this design on incisors and fangs;
- saddle - the dental bridge fits tightly on the gum, the prosthesis puts pressure on the tissue.
In the case of prosthetic incisors, it may be the only option.
The installation of a bridge on teeth in a "Sa-Nata" Clinic differs depending on the material the prosthesis is made of and the method of its manufacture.
Bridges for teeth are made of different materials:
- metal - the oldest and budget option. They are very durable, however, they can cause an allergic reaction, discomfort and have a not very aesthetic appearance. In addition, they are fixed with metal crowns and create a load that gradually destroys the bearing units;
- cermet - thanks to the metal base they are durable, and the ceramic coating increases aesthetics. But the coating quickly wears out, becomes thinner, impregnated with dyes and loses its appearance;
- ceramic - light, beautiful, but fragile;
- plastic - cheaper than ceramic, but short-lived, although they look like natural crowns. A plastic bridge is placed on the teeth temporarily and only on incisors and fangs - where the load is lower;
- metal-plastic - have the strength of metal, but because of the plastic structure on average serves 2-5 years.