"Dental methods How to strengthen the gums and teeth when specialists visit the Сlinic. The doctor will select in each case a paste with the necessary substances for bone mineralization - fluoride, calcium. Among the healing pastes, the best are Asepta, Asepta Sensitive, BioRepair Plus Pro White, Biocalcium Splat, Sensodyne. In addition to nutrients, they contain extracts of medicinal plants, beekeeping products, deodorizing the oral cavity, which have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties.

In solving the problem of how to strengthen the gums and teeth, the absence of hard deposits is of great importance. The doctor will advise how to properly care for the oral cavity, use thread, a brush for the tongue. But the mineralized plaque that accumulates near the tooth neck and root cannot be removed at home. There are professional techniques for removing stone in the interdental space and from the gingival pockets. With the help of a laser, ultrasound is cleaned even in the most inaccessible places without mechanical stress on the enamel. Before strengthening the gums and teeth, hygiene methods need to restore the dental layer. To do this, use a remineralizing gel (R.O.C.S. Medical, Tooth Mousse, GLOBAL WHITE), varnish and special bruxism mouth caps. Also, how to strengthen the gums of the teeth, physiotherapists will advise.

To do this, appoint:

  • massage - manual, hardware, hydromassage;
  • applications with essential oils, herbal extracts;
  • laser irradiation and UV radiation;
  • electrotherapy;
  • ultrasound.

Physiotherapy has virtually no contraindications and is used as a method for the prevention of dental diseases. Some, such as massage, can be done at home. Home techniques Before choosing tools, how to strengthen teeth and gums, you need to consult a dentist. Alternative methods for serious disorders are used solely as maintenance therapy. Most Popular: rinsing with a decoction of medicinal herbs - mint, sage, calamus root; baths from the leaves of laurel noble and oak bark; propolis applications; massage with candied honey or tea rose jam.

At the "Sa-Nata" Clinic, experienced hygienists, physiotherapists, and dentists will help patients with this problem. They will develop an effective and rational scheme, pick up hygiene products, vitamin and mineral supplements. To prevent pathologies, diagnosis is necessary. Self-medication is unacceptable and requires professional intervention.
