"Causes of Dental Problems During the gestational period, a physiological decrease in immunity occurs, the pathogenicity of microorganisms in the oral cavity increases, and their penetration into the body increases. Hormonal failure causes a chronic inflammatory process in the gum tissue, demineralization of dentin. According to statistics, pregnant women need to treat their teeth in 77-78% of cases. Women are in such a situation due to the lack of a planned dental checkup in most work teams and the low financial status that is prevalent among the weaker sex - dentophobia.

The incidence of pathologies is affected by:

woman's age;

the number of previous births;

gestational age;

the presence of obstetric weights, toxicosis.

The lack of educational activities in dentistry led to the fact that many expectant mothers do not know whether it is possible to treat teeth during pregnancy and harm not only their health, but also the baby’s body. It is not only possible to treat teeth during pregnancy, if this has not been done before, but it is also extremely important, since oral sanitation: prevents the progression of pathology; eliminates the risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases; reduces the possibility of intrauterine infection; reduces the risk of prenatal, postpartum complications; provides prevention of pathologies of baby teeth of the unborn child.

These pluses provide an exhaustive answer to the fears of the fair sex regarding whether it is possible to treat teeth during pregnancy Types of pathologies of the oral cavity When examining future mothers, they are most often found: caries; gingivitis. Starting from 2-3 weeks, women with a normal course of gestation show symptoms of gum inflammation - pregnant gingivitis.

It is accompanied by bad breath, bleeding, redness, swelling of the gums. The future mother begins to not hygiene so carefully, fearing the manifestations of the disease and worsening the condition.

"Acceptable Therapies During the gestational period, the mother's body has a close relationship with the developing fetus. Some drugs, diagnostic methods have a mutagenic effect, so it is important to worry about whether teeth can be treated during pregnancy, and which drugs are allowed during this period?

"When removing nerves, surgical intervention uses local anesthesia. It is allowed to treat teeth during pregnancy with the help of painkillers, since the analgesics used in dentistry in our time do not affect the cardiac function of mom and baby. In addition, their action is limited in time (no more than 6 hours).

There is no adrenaline in the injections, which could have a negative effect on the heart, muscle tissue of the bronchi and intestines, and the uterus. Professionals advise to abandon x-ray diagnostics. If you can not do without it, it is recommended to contact a clinic equipped with radiovisiographs. Using this equipment, you can treat teeth during pregnancy, because their radiation level is 10-15 times lower than that of old x-ray units. It is possible to treat the teeth of pregnant women using medicines, dental equipment and filling materials without risking harm to the unborn child. However, experts recommend postponing prosthetics, orthodontic treatment for a while.

Circulation time To date, there are no schemes for the prevention and treatment of dental problems in the gestational period. Therefore, only experienced and highly qualified specialists know how to treat teeth for pregnant women. They must be sought if need arises. When the pathology is not acute, it makes sense to postpone. The best period when treating teeth during pregnancy, so that it is safe for mom and baby, is considered 2 trimester.

At this time, the bookmark with the formation of the basic structures of the embryo has already occurred, and the probability of consequences is practically absent. So that a woman does not worry whether it is possible to treat teeth for pregnant women, professional oral hygiene is carried out for the entire period at least 3 times. Find out in more detail from professionals how pregnant women can treat their teeth by calling the numbers on the website of the "Sa Nata" Clinic.
