What to do with pain in the teeth?

"Rinse If a tooth is sharply ill, it helps to stop the attack by rinsing the oral cavity with salt. Half a teaspoon of salt must be mixed in a glass of heated water.

Rinse the mouth with such a solution as often as possible. The pain will gradually "subside", the salt will have an antiseptic and antibacterial effect, which is especially useful if there is an infectious inflammation. To the salt in the solution, you can add soda on the tip of the knife.

What to do with a toothache if it does not go away for a long time? You can use the method of rinsing the oral cavity with hydrogen peroxide. The method is effective, but it must be used carefully, especially since it is not suitable for children. It is strictly forbidden to swallow a solution of an antiseptic drug with water. To prepare a rinse, hydrogen peroxide is diluted with water in equal proportions.


If your teeth are very sore, it is strictly forbidden to apply warm compresses. In the presence of an inflammatory process, heat will accelerate its development and will cause not only the development of complications, but also the intensification of painful sensations. To relieve your condition, you can.

apply a compress with ice or any frozen product. The ice needs to be wrapped in dense tissue in several layers so as not to freeze the nerve and not get frostbite on the soft tissues.


Garlic has a number of positive effects on the body. It will help eliminate pain, reduce swelling and inflammation, and has antiseptic properties. What if a toothache with garlic? It is necessary to put the garlic clove in the place of localization of discomfort. If there is such an opportunity, it is recommended to chew the garlic so that it starts the juice. Another way to use garlic is to finely chop it, crush it with a fork to make gruel, attach to the tooth.


Clove essential oil, if it is in the home medicine cabinet, will help to quickly stop the discomfort. Clove ether contains the substance evganol, which has an effective antiseptic effect. A cotton swab or piece of cotton wool is moistened with a few drops of oil, which is placed in the place where the painful sensations are intense. Hold the compress for up to 15 minutes. Clove oil can be added to a glass of warm water and the resulting liquid can be used to rinse the mouth. It is important to understand that all popular methods of eliminating toothache should be used as a temporary measure, for the period until there is no way to see the dentist.

Medicines Analgin, Aspirin, Citramon and other well-known drugs that have a general analgesic effect are unlikely to help eliminate intense toothache. In this case, more potent and narrowly targeted drugs are needed. You should not use such a popular method of treatment as applying Analgin tablets crushed into gruel on a tooth. In the composition of Analgin, there is a substance - sodium metamizole.

Yes, it will help temporarily stop intense discomfort and even relieve inflammation a little, but sodium metamizole is composed of acid. If the pain is provoked by a complicated course of caries or damaged tooth enamel, acid will corrode the tooth tissue, which will further aggravate the course of the disease and cause serious complications. The only drug recommended by dentists that helps temporarily eliminate pain is Ibuprofen.

This tool can also be used to relieve pain in young children during teething. Taking medications is a temporary measure, it is an emergency aid, and not a method of treatment. The only right decision when a toothache appears is what to do - seek medical help faster. Toothache, as a rule, occurs suddenly, especially often at night. That is why the ""Sa-Nata" Dental Clinic has a round-the-clock operation, its doors are open day and night for people who suddenly experience severe toothache. We also have high-quality removable devices in orthodontics.
