Psychological children's adaptation in dentistry

Psychological children's adaptation in dentistry

The network of dental clinics "Sa-Nata" employs the best pediatric specialists. Children's appointment here is not like a usual visit to the doctor, as we made sure that your baby feels comfortable, positive, fun and painless in Sa-Nata.

Children's specialist in "Sa-Nata" is not just a true professional and qualified dentist, it is, first of all, a competent psychologist.

A visit to the dentist in our clinic is more like an exciting game for a child than a treatment. Children are separate individuals, just like adults, and they need a special approach.

Therefore, in our network there is a separate special service called “psychological adaptation” or, as they also call it, “adaptation appointment”. What it is? Let's figure it out!

The psychological adaptation of the child is the first acquaintance, “grinding” to a new interlocutor and to a new environment for the baby: unusual smells in dentistry, strangers, unfamiliar strange instruments and chairs. In fact, this is like the primary conclusion of cooperation with the doctor and laying the foundation for their new friendship. This kind of adaptation plays a very significant role in the process of treatment, and also plays a role in the final successful result of the treatment.

What gives psychological adaptation?

  • Eliminates dental phobia (fear of the dentist)
  • Makes it possible to avoid treatment under sedation (general anesthesia)
  • Forms a "healthy" attitude towards timely visits to a specialist in the future (responsible attitude towards one's health in adulthood)
  • Significantly increases the chances of an easier and smoother course of the treatment process
  • Eliminates possible complications
  • Guarantees a successful result
What gives psychological adaptation?

The psychological adaptation service at the Sa-Nata clinic is the ability to find an individual approach to the child, based on experience, professionalism, knowledge of behavior and psychology, which provides an opportunity to facilitate and speed up the process of manipulation, save your child and you from unwanted stress and negative emotions.

Advice for parents from children's specialists "Sa-Nata"

Advice for parents from children's specialists

We recommend introducing your child to dentistry precisely at those stages when nothing bothers him yet. Then the adaptation will take place more gently and logically, without emotions and not on the basis of uncomfortable sensations, but consciously and with full understanding. For example, a visit for an examination and professional hygiene will be an excellent opportunity to introduce your child to this area of life.

Also recommend to make a psychological adaptation visit in the first half of the day, so that the baby does not think about the upcoming event and does not worry all day. The child should get enough sleep before the visit, not be hungry and not be disturbed by anything from domestic issues.

What is the process of psychological adaptation?

What is the process of psychological adaptation?

This visit usually takes place according to the rules of our little patient and nothing else, because he must feel comfortable and feel that he is in control of the situation. This is an opportunity to really make friends with the doctor and not see him as a scary and painful monster.

  1. Establishing contact. Getting to know each other in a relaxed atmosphere (not in a dental chair), this can be a clinic lobby, a children's corner or a waiting area with an aquarium and a homely atmosphere. It is at this stage, based on the manner of communication and behavior of the child, the child specialist determines which approach should be chosen for the baby for further interaction with him.
  2. "My new friend." At this stage, the doctor can use options for a variety of games with the child, tactile contact is possible, the emergence of common jokes, preferences, something that can already connect an adult and a small interlocutor with each other.
  3. "Interesting associations." For example, a dental chair is a spaceship, an empty bottle with water and air pressure are special toys for a doctor, a saliva ejector is an elephant that loves water. Also, during our “flight into space”, a magical tooth fairy watches the process so that at the end of the reception, be sure to give the baby a gift! The child really likes such a fictional atmosphere, it has and the baby has an interest in everything that happens.
  4. "Everything is familiar to me." One of the main and decisive stages in psychological adaptation. Acquaintance of the child with all possible sounds, devices, actions that he may encounter in the process of further manipulation. The kid even himself can try to do this or that action, for example, the movement with a mechanical brush, which he will feel during professional hygiene in the oral cavity.
  5. Trust. When the kid has already got acquainted with everything and there can be no “surprises” from the doctor for him, the child develops some kind of trust in the specialist. He has nothing to be afraid of, since he has already met everything. He is relaxed and fully disposed to this environment.

How does the psychological adaptation procedure take place?

This visit usually takes place according to the rules of our little patient and nothing else, because he must feel comfortable and feel that he is in control of the situation. This is an opportunity to truly make friends with the doctor and not see him as a scary and painful monster.

The number of visits for the implementation of psychological adaptation can vary according to the individual situation. In most cases and based on our many years of experience, 1-2 visits are sufficient.

We also want to draw your attention to the fact that this type of service should not be underestimated. Since the psychological adaptation of children in the network of clinics "Sa-Nata" is by no means a meaningless and chaotic pastime. This is the overcoming of serious barriers and barriers that prevent the implementation of the necessary procedures for the health and well-being of your baby and which can significantly affect his future.

The goal of our children's specialists of the "Sa-Nata" network is to give your baby a feeling of comfort, safety, a friendly atmosphere and joy. Do everything to ensure that he has formed positive associations with dentistry and the right healthy habits. Trust your most valuable, your beloved children only to qualified and experienced professionals!

How does the psychological adaptation procedure take place?