Zircon or ceramic? How to choose an orthopedic crown?

Zircon or ceramic? How to choose an orthopedic crown?

Comparison with cermet

The main requirement for an orthopedic crown for a tooth is the natural and aesthetic appearance of its execution, durable material and wear resistance to chewing loads. The leaders on the market that perfectly fulfill these requirements and are time-tested and experienced are crowns made of ceramic and zirconium dioxide. Earlier, ceramic-metal was “at the top of Olympus” and popularity among patients, but today it loses to zirconium and ceramics. In this article, we will additionally analyze why porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns have already faded into the background.

In our Sa-Nata clinic, we manufacture all orthopedic constructions ourselves. We have our own digital dental laboratory "Sa-Nata Dynasty", where the best dental technicians work - real "dental artists" and magicians. The laboratory is equipped with innovative modern equipment for the manufacture of orthopedic crowns and other structures. In our work, we also actively use digital technology CAD / CAM - modeling and milling the future smile.“Sa-Nata” makes individual crowns from ceramic and zirconium dioxide and gives its patients a dream smile!

What requirements a modern orthopedic crown should have

To begin with, let's figure out with you what requirements a modern orthopedic crown should have:

  • Anatomical natural shape of the crown, which does not differ from its “native” tooth
  • Tight fit to the neck of the tooth
  • Strength, wear resistance to various loads and long-term operation
  • The crown must restore the volume of the crown part of the natural tooth in the ratio of height and width
  • Should provide a relationship with neighboring teeth and teeth-antagonists
  • Must not change color over time, chip or fall out
  • The installed crown should not adversely affect the health of teeth and gums
What requirements a modern orthopedic crown should have

Orthopedic crowns made of zirconia

Orthopedic crowns made of zirconia

Zirconia is considered the most durable material for the manufacture of orthopedic structures with many advantages. A crown made of zirconium is by far the safest, most reliable, durable and practical way to perform in modern orthopedic dentistry.

A distinctive feature of zirconium crowns is that they are quite light, very comfortable and at the same time hard and strong, they also have high reliability from chipping. The strength of zirconium dioxide is comparable to the strength of metal, but at the same time, its aesthetic possibilities for the execution of a crown may exceed crowns made of ceramic. Basically, a zirconium crown is installed on chewing teeth and on implants.

Interesting fact: Zirconium dioxide is also called "white gold" based on its distinctive properties of hardness and reliability of the material.

Advantages of a zirconium crown on a tooth:

  • Maximum aesthetic appearance
  • Provides light transmission that is as close as possible to the properties of natural tooth enamel
  • Has a snug fit to the gum tissue
  • Long service life of the crown (about 20 years)
  • Lightweight yet incredibly strong
  • Resistant to dyes found in foods and drinks
  • Before installation, the need for preparation (treatment) of the tooth is minimal (up to 1mm)
  • Eliminates the risk of inflammation and other complications
  • Dioxide is endowed with antibacterial properties, which is an excellent prevention of caries, even for neighboring teeth
  • The quality of the product in every sense fully justifies the cost of the material used.
Advantages of a zirconium crown on a tooth:

Ceramic crown

Ceramic used in the manufacture of orthopedic crowns is a durable material with a special distinctive aesthetics of its execution. Using ceramic material, it is possible to achieve a natural tooth effect with natural transparency, transmission of the natural texture of the tooth, color overflows, even taking into account different lighting conditions.

Advantages of a ceramic crown:

Advantages of a ceramic crown:
  • Suitable for any type of prosthetics
  • Excellent biocompatibility with our body tissues
  • Hypoallergenic material
  • Natural and natural appearance
  • Provides the ability to create the effect of the most "live" tooth
  • Plaque practically does not accumulate on ceramics due to its special hygienic properties
  • Ability to provide maximum snug fit
  • Long-term preservation of the color of the crown, resistance to dyes
  • No risk of gum injury
  • The service life of the crown is about 10 years

The “E-Max” ceramic crown

The “E-Max” ceramic crown is a popular orthopedic all-ceramic crown, the framework of which is made of glass-ceramic fiber or zirconium, and the outer layer of the crown is covered with a layer of pressed lithium ceramic. Lithium crystals in the crown add extra strength to the crown. It is considered the most aesthetic option for prosthetics, as it is distinguished by its translucency, which is as similar as possible to natural tooth enamel.

The manufacturing technology of the “E-Max” orthopedic crown has steadfastly patented its effectiveness in practice for more than 20 years! Such a crown is almost impossible to distinguish from “your” tooth, as it incredibly accurately conveys the color, shade, overflows, texture and translucency of natural enamel. Crown "E-Max" is an innovative and modern technology for the manufacture of orthopedic crowns, with which we also actively work, manufacture and install.

The “E-Max” ceramic crown

Comparative features of zirconium and ceramics. What do they have in common?

Comparative features of zirconium and ceramics. What do they have in common?
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Minimal processing (preparation) of the tooth under the crown (from 0.5 mm to 1 mm)
  • High biocompatibility
  • No unpleasant taste of metal in the mouth
  • Do not have a negative effect on the mucosa
  • Protection against tooth decay by caries


  • Zircon outperforms ceramics in terms of aesthetic performance
  • Provides better protection against caries
  • More durable than ceramic
  • Service life of ceramics - 10 years, dioxide - up to 20 years of service
  • The price of a zirconium crown is much higher than a ceramic one (depending on the amount of material used in the manufacture)

Why metal ceramics has lost its relevance?

The essence of a metal-ceramic crown is that its frame is dominated by a metal alloy coated on top with ceramics in order to achieve a more aesthetic appearance of the crown. But precisely because of the metal frame inside, such a crown cannot create the effect of natural transparency of the tooth enamel. Ceramic-metal has been tested over the years and experience, and specialists and patients concluded that such a crown is much “losing” along with zircon and ceramics in its aesthetic manifestations and not only.

Disadvantages of a metal-ceramic crown:

  • Low aesthetic result, lack of transparency and natural color (due to the metal frame that does not let light through)
  • Possibility of bluing and irritation of the gingival margin
  • Has a negative effect on neighboring teeth and antagonist teeth
  • The likelihood of allergic reactions in patients (depending on the type of metal alloy)
  • Processing (grinding) of the tooth for the installation of a crown is about 1.5 mm - 2 mm - this is a fairly large amount of dental tissue.
  • The need for depulpate tooth (removal of the pulp of the tooth) due to strong tissue processing
Disadvantages of a metal-ceramic crown:

How to choose a crown for a tooth?

How to choose a crown for a tooth?

Fortunately, modern dentistry provides its patient with a wide range of choice of material and method of making an orthopedic crown. It is also a considerable advantage that the clinic has its own laboratory for the manufacture of orthopedic structures. This gives you the opportunity to choose your own materials for manufacturing, control each process of creating a crown, as well as the ability to bring the result to 100% ideal. But how can the patient decide on the material of the future crown: zircon or ceramic?

Of course, without a specialist, this task cannot be completed. After all, each clinical case and the human body is individual. Each patient has their own specific clinical indications. It all depends on the situation: installing a crown on an implant, a bridge, installing a crown on a chewing tooth or an anterior one.

The implant requires a crown of special strength.

For chewing teeth, a crown is recommended that can withstand various chewing loads - it should be as practical and wear-resistant as possible.

On the anterior teeth, firstly, you should pay attention to the maximum aesthetic properties of the crown. That is, for each case there are indications and recommendations for choosing the material from which the future crown will be made.

With the choice of material for the manufacture of orthopedic crowns, the specialists of the network of clinics "Sa-Nata" will help you. For more than 10 years we have been creating smiles that change the lives of patients! And our own laboratory “Sa-Nata Dynasty” opens up many unique opportunities for us to create orthopedic structures of absolutely any complexity and with the highest possible aesthetics!
