Prevention or Treatment?

Prevention of tooth and oral cavity diseases includes a range of measures that help maintain the health of teeth and gums, as well as prevent the development of various problems.

Prevention or Treatment?

Here are some tips for self-prevention of teeth and oral cavity:

  • Regularly brush your teeth twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Use a toothbrush of suitable hardness, toothpaste, and floss. Brushing your teeth helps remove plaque and prevent the development of cavities.

  • Use dental floss or interdental brushes (these can also be special single-brush brushes) to clean the spaces and hard-to-reach places between your teeth, where plaque usually accumulates, which turns into hard stone on the enamel.

  • Visit the dentist for preventive check-ups at least once a year, or better yet, every six months. The dentist will perform teeth cleaning, remove plaque, conduct planned X-ray diagnostics to assess the condition of the teeth, bone tissue, tooth canals, and their branches, as well as the condition of the gums.

  • Monitor your diet and avoid excessive consumption of sweet, sour, and products containing dyes. Also, avoid chewing hard objects that can damage your teeth.

  • Avoid smoking and alcohol, which can lead to the development of oral cavity diseases and tooth damage.

  • Use a protective cap during sports or other activities to prevent tooth injuries (for example, during hockey, boxing, or other types of sports wrestling).

  • If you have any problems with your teeth or gums, consult a dentist as soon as possible. Treating the problem at an early stage can help prevent its development and keep your teeth and gums in good condition.

In modern dentistry, there is also a separate section of dental services called preventive treatment. Preventive methods of dental treatment are aimed at preventing the development of tooth and oral cavity diseases, as well as maintaining the health of teeth and gums. Preventive methods include:

  • Regular preventive check-ups with a dentist. Visiting the dentist at least once a year allows for the detection and treatment of tooth and gum diseases at an early stage before they lead to serious problems.

  • Familiarizing yourself with the correct brushing technique at home and selecting individual hygiene products. A specialist during a consultation and examination can help you with this. It could be a dentist or a periodontist who will carefully study your situation, individually select the cleaning technique and auxiliary hygiene products, and also show you how to use them.

  • Hygiene procedures. Regular tooth brushing and the use of dental floss help remove plaque and prevent the development of cavities and gum diseases. A great addition would be rinsing the oral cavity after eating.

  • Application of fluoride. Fluoride can help strengthen tooth enamel, prevent cavities, and reduce tooth sensitivity. Coating the teeth with fluoride lacquer is a procedure that involves applying a thin layer of lacquer containing fluorides to the surface of the teeth. Fluorides help protect tooth enamel. It can also be the use of toothpaste with fluoride, which is individually prescribed by a specialist after a consultation and examination.

  • Regular professional teeth cleaning. Removal of dental plaque and tartar helps maintain the health of teeth and gums and prevent the appearance of cavities. This can be teeth cleaning using ultrasound, with the use of a special abrasive powder, airflow of air and water, manual scaling, etc. By the way, regular professional cleaning in the dentist's chair every 6 months will significantly lighten the shade of your enamel, so this is also an additional motivation to pay attention to this preventive procedure. Professional oral hygiene should be done every 3-6 months on a regular basis.

Prevention is the best treatment because it allows you to prevent the development of oral cavity diseases, including cavities and periodontitis, even before their appearance or at the early stages of their development. Tooth treatment is required when the disease has already manifested itself and has reached a certain stage of development.

Benefits of prevention:

Benefits of prevention:
  • Disease prevention: regular preventive check-ups with a dentist can help prevent tooth diseases such as cavities, periodontitis, and other gum diseases.

  • Early problem detection: regular check-ups allow you to detect tooth problems at an early stage when treatment can be more effective, prompt, and less costly.

  • Preservation of healthy teeth: through preventive treatment and adherence to good oral hygiene, you can maintain healthy teeth throughout your life.

  • Pain reduction: regular preventive treatment can help prevent painful conditions and improve the quality of life.

  • Money savings: preventing tooth diseases can help save money on more complex treatments in the future.

  • Improvement of overall health: dental diseases can affect a person's overall health, so preventive treatment can help improve overall health.

  • Boosting self-esteem: healthy teeth can boost self-confidence and self-esteem, leading to a more successful social life and professional success.

Why do most people neglect preventive check-ups and procedures with a dentist?

Some people do not go to the dentist until they experience severe pain or other serious problems with their teeth or gums. Here are some reasons why people may postpone visits to the dentist:

  • Fear of dental procedures: many people are afraid of dental procedures and therefore avoid visiting the dentist.
  • Financial difficulties: some people may not be able to afford dental services and therefore avoid going to the dentist. But, as practice shows, prevention is significantly cheaper than treating an already advanced and urgent condition. Also, at the "Sa-Nata" clinic, there are regular special promotional offers and discounts on services, as well as the option of installment payments - everything is possible and real.
  • Lack of information: some people may not know how important it is to regularly visit the dentist and what consequences they may face if they don't.
  • Lack of time: Some people may feel that they don't have time to visit the dentist, but it is important to take responsibility for your health and know how to prioritize properly.
  • Absence of symptoms: Some people may not visit the dentist because they do not experience any symptoms and health problems (in their opinion). But this is fundamentally the wrong approach, as there is a wide range of diseases and problems in dentistry and beyond that develop asymptomatically. Their onset and development can only be detected by an X-ray, by consulting a specialist.
Why do most people neglect preventive check-ups and procedures with a dentist?

There is even a scientifically proven condition - dentophobia. Dentophobia is a fear of dentists and dental treatment. It is a disorder that can lead people to avoid visiting the dentist, even if they have problems with their dental and oral health. It occurs in both children and adults.

The family dental clinic network "Sa-Nata" has been operating for 11 years, and we have always strongly recommended and continue to recommend to our patients to pay special attention to preventive visits and not to neglect them. We also successfully combat dentophobia in patients and skillfully find an individual approach to each one!

As practice shows, patients who regularly visit the dentist for preventive purposes do not have problems with cavities, inflammation, and tooth decay, and have a beautiful and snow-white smile, even without using whitening. Such patients visit the dentist's office 5 times less during their lifetime and do not have large expenses for this type of service, unlike those who procrastinate until the last moment.

Hence, the majority of people have the opinion that modern dentistry is always expensive and inaccessible to the average consumer or pensioner. Dental implantation, complex extraction, treatment of atypically located canals using a microscope, and tooth restoration with individually made crowns are indeed more expensive than professional teeth cleaning or planned diagnostics at a preventive check-up. But all of you, dear patients, have a unique opportunity not to allow such an advanced situation with your teeth, when implantation or installation of a new crown on a tooth is required, through a preventive visit to a specialist. Address in time, love prevention, and it will definitely become your friend and assistant in maintaining and ensuring the health of your smile. We are waiting for you for a free consultation and examination at the "SA-NATA" clinic!
