Daily habits for dental health

Daily habits for dental health

Quite often, those patients who are responsible for the health of their teeth ask similar questions: “How can I keep my teeth healthy”? “What should I do to keep my teeth healthy and beautiful for as long as possible?” etc. Our specialists of the Sa-Nata clinic network have collected for you very useful tips for every day that will help you prolong the health and beauty of your smile and thereby minimize frequent visits to the dentist.

What simple daily habits will help you keep your teeth healthy?

  • The first banal and well-known rule is not to neglect brushing your teeth in the morning and in the evening. The accumulation of bacteria during the day and night can affect the occurrence of unwanted plaque and further cavities. In addition to regularity, your home teeth cleaning should be thorough and of high quality.

  • The toothbrush should be of a certain hardness, individually suitable for you. A specialist will help in the selection of individual hygiene products for cleaning the oral cavity. It is also important to be able to properly brush your teeth and choose the right personal hygiene products. Our periodontists and hygienists will help you with this. Based on your individual characteristics of the body and lifestyle, the specialists of “Sa-Nata” will select for you the necessary brush in terms of hardness, the desired composition of toothpaste, and, if necessary, additional brushes and dental floss. They will also give you a hygiene lesson to improve your home cleaning.

What simple daily habits will help you keep your teeth healthy?
  • Toothpicks can significantly damage your teeth, especially your gums. Instead of a toothpick, use floss (dental floss) or an irrigator after eating. Below in this article we will analyze in detail bad habits for teeth.

  • Make a habit of rinsing your mouth after each meal with a special mouthwash or plain water. Thus, the accumulation of plaque and food debris can be avoided. It will also not be superfluous to chew gum after eating, but not more than 2 minutes. Chewing gum after eating will remove food debris from the teeth and increase salivation, thereby reducing plaque buildup.

  • There are a number of healthy foods for teeth, so try to include them in your diet. These include: apples, herbs, pumpkin, cheese, onions, pears, fish, carrots. To maintain the acid-base balance in your mouth before eating, eat a piece of cheese. It also contains a lot of calcium, which is good for teeth. The use of hard vegetables and fruits provides a good massage of the gums and cleansing of the teeth from plaque. In addition, they contain many useful trace elements. There are also foods that destroy teeth.

  • If you are a lover of desserts and are unable to deny yourself or limit it, make it a habit to wash down sweet foods (cakes, sweets, cookies) with unsweetened tea. This habit can significantly reduce the negative impact of sweets. Tea washes away sugar from enamel, preventing bacteria from multiplying.

  • Drinking clean water is a healthy habit in every aspect. In addition, dehydration leads to insufficient salivation. After all, it is saliva that washes the oral cavity, helping to clean the teeth from plaque.

  • Avoid temperature extremes. Eating cold foods first, followed by hot ones, or vice versa, negatively affects the condition of the enamel. Cracks appear on it, into which harmful bacteria instantly enter. For example, such a favorite coffee or warm chocolate fondant with ice cream is by no means a healthy habit for teeth.

  • Make it a rule for yourself if you drink carbonated drinks, then only through a straw. Although, ideally, our experts recommend eliminating sugary carbonated drinks from the diet, as they have a detrimental effect on dental health. Freshly squeezed juices are also recommended to be drunk through a straw. These juices are quite acidic. The tube helps to protect the teeth from its impact. Also, after drinking such drinks, it is best to rinse your mouth with clean water. Carbonated drinks contain phosphoric acid. This substance deprives the enamel of minerals that give it strength. After exposure to acid, micropores appear in the enamel, it becomes like a porous sponge, into which pathogenic microbes and bacteria easily penetrate.

  • Finally give up diets. Nutrition should be complete and contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, such as calcium, which is necessary for healthy teeth. Diets from the Internet for weight loss limit the amount of nutrients and vitamins. Long-term mono-diets are harmful for this very reason. It is better to follow a proper diet, including fresh vegetables and fruits, protein foods and fiber.

  • A good habit for teeth is to avoid mechanical damage. Many gnaw seeds with their teeth and this is fraught with wedge-shaped defects on the cutting surface of the teeth. You can’t open bottles, jars, plastic lids with your teeth. This results in chipped enamel. It is also desirable to get rid of the habit of chewing pens, pencils, eyeglass brackets and the like.

  • And the “icing on the cake” to surprise you: do not rush to brush your teeth immediately after eating. This is one of the worst things you can do to your teeth. When you consume sour and sweet foods and drinks, they leave some of the acid and sugar on the surface of your teeth. When you brush your teeth immediately afterwards, your toothbrush literally rubs the acid and sugar across the surface of your teeth. Because these substances soften the enamel, you irritate the weakened enamel. Instead of brushing your teeth right away, wait at least 30 minutes. During this time, the tooth enamel will clear and return to normal.

The 2 golden and fundamental rules

And of course, the 2 golden and fundamental rules in order to maintain the health of your teeth are:

  1. Regular visits to the dentist for a follow-up examination. It is mandatory to visit the dentist at least once every six months. The doctor will be able to notice changes indicating the onset of pathology. For example, caries at the initial stage is completely invisible, but a specialist will detect it with the help of tools and prescribe timely treatment. Many diseases could have been avoided if diagnosed early.

  2. Regular professional hygiene by a specialist. A mandatory procedure for everyone is hygienic cleaning of teeth using ultrasound and abrasive paste. Thus, tartar is removed, in which bacteria multiply, the interdental spaces are cleaned, and the teeth become 2-3 shades lighter. Especially this recommendation applies to tea and coffee lovers, as well as smokers, whose teeth suffer more than dark plaque. After professional cleaning, the dentist will also conduct remineralizing therapy: treat the teeth with a composition containing useful elements: calcium, fluorine, phosphates and others. They strengthen the enamel and prevent the formation of plaque.

The 2 golden and fundamental rules

Do not be too lazy to give at least 5 minutes a day for the health of your teeth, take care of it, implement these simple daily habits into your plan for the day and you will be able to avoid problems and complex dental manipulations in the future.

With useful habits and recommendations for every day, we figured it out. Let's finally take a look at your habits that harm your teeth. Thus, you will pay attention to them and can eliminate them for the beauty and health of your smile.

How do we harm our teeth every day?

How do we harm our teeth every day?

Our therapists "Sa-Nata" have collected for you a number of bad habits that you do "on the machine".

  • Water with lemon. The habit of starting your day with a glass of water with lemon is generally in place. All blogs about healthy nutrition and nutrition, fashionable women's magazines and trainers “shout” about this. But if we consider this habit in relation to the health of our teeth, the idea is not really the best. Lemon drink contains an acidic environment, therefore, is the cause of the destruction of tooth enamel. An alternative solution would be to drink a glass of warm water in the morning on an empty stomach if you want to kickstart your bowels and improve your metabolism without harming your teeth.

  • "I would like something to chew on." The problem is that when we constantly eat something, snack (especially sweet) - the bacteria in the mouth form an acid that contributes to the development of caries. If you chew constantly, saliva does not have time to perform a protective function. This habit is observed in those people who work in the office and have a fairly routine job. Try changing your focus. You can, for example, make small pauses of the “five minutes”: drink a glass of water and do light exercises from a sitting position at work. And it’s good for your posture, and you won’t harm your teeth.

  • Smoking. The most obvious habit (not a secret) is smoking. Smoking stains teeth, causes bad breath and gum disease. Please note that now smoking has become out of fashion and causes hostility. At a minimum, it is worth abandoning such a bad habit for the benefit of the beauty and health of your teeth.

  • "Rodent". Admit it, do you like to chew on a pen or pencil at work or while talking on the phone? What about the plastic bag? How often do you open a pack or bag with your teeth to make it faster? And how many lovers of nail biting ... all these bad habits also have a detrimental effect on the health of our teeth.

  • "Overdone ...!" Daily thorough brushing in the morning and evening really works for the benefit of the teeth. But everything should be in moderation. Overzealous: Pushing the brush or brushing too hard and often can hurt. Such actions can lead to premature wear (erasing) of the enamel and damage to the gums, which in turn will result in increased sensitivity of the teeth.

Now you know what you need to work on and what bad daily habits you need to get rid of for the sake of your dental health. Be healthy!
