Myths about veneers

Veneers are one of the best ways to improve the aesthetic appearance of your smile. Dentists have been actively using them in their practice for several decades. Technologies do not stand still and of course the veneers themselves, as well as the process of their installation are also constantly improving. But today there are a lot of inaccurate rumors and beliefs about veneers in society. We will try to dispel some of them below.

Myths about veneers

Myth 1. The veneers are very noticeable

For now, doctors can install veneers made of ceramics by individual measurements, indications that are as close as possible to the anatomy of your teeth: corresponding to their natural form, size, thickness and color. In most cases, it is almost impossible to distinguish whether a person has veneers or natural teeth. This can be done only by your dentist, who, in fact, installed them to you.

Myth 2. Veneers perform only aesthetic function

Myth 2. Veneers perform only aesthetic function

In fact, with the help of veneers, you can restore not only the external appearance, but also the functionality of your smile. It is due to the incredible hardness of ceramic material that the veneers protect the teeth from different kinds of damage. They are also used to restore broken teeth. The veneers cover large gaps and cracks between teeth, and also teeth that have changed their color. Moreover, with the help of veneers, it is even possible to restore the correct bite of the teeth row

Myth 3. The process of installing veneers is painful

This is wrong, since this dental procedure is carried out under the local anesthesia, which makes the installation painless and with a complete absence of any discomfort. By the way, a service such as medical sleep or the so-called “sedation” becomes very popular among the patients. Not because of pain, but due to the fact that the installation sometimes includes 28 units of teeth, which takes a lot of time

Myth 4. The teeth are filed down a lot before installation

This is a wrong statement, since the native tooth is losing less than 1 mm in thickness. Moreover, before installing the veneers, all teeth should be 100% healthy

Myth 5. Veneers easily change their color because of food, drinks and smoking

Be sure that this is not true! On the contrary, the veneers counteract spots and any pollution, colorants, etc. One of the main features of ceramics is that it does not change its color at all. But, of course, you should not neglect this fact and it is necessary to regularly take care of the veneers, as well as the teeth. It is necessary to follow the rules of regular and thorough hygiene of the mouth cavity

Myth 5. Veneers easily change their color because of food, drinks and smoking

Myth 6. Veneers are intended only for the front teeth

This is a very common rumor that we often hear from patients. Special ceramic pads could be installed even on the back teeth, they are very similar in technology with veneers

Myth 7. Veneers must be changed often

Myth 7. Veneers must be changed often

It is also a wrong belief, since well-established veneers can serve you for decades, because of the quality of the material from which they are made, and without neglecting regular and proper care for them

Myth 8. Caries can develop under the veneers

This is a wrong statement, since caries is progressing when a certain kind of acid affects on the enamel (as a result, for example, of plaque formation after eating or poor home hygiene). Under the veneers (with a competent and professional installation), nothing affects your tooth enamel, since the joint of the veneer and enamel of the tooth is the most sealed space, so food and drinks are not able to get there

Myth 9. The veneers need special care

A special non-standard care for the veneers is not required. In fact, the veneers need to be treated exactly as well as the natural teeth: a regular examination by a dentist, high-quality home hygiene, professional hygiene by a specialist every 6 months

Myth 9. The veneers need special care

We hope that we were able to dispel these common incorrect statements about the veneers. Perhaps after reading this article you’ll finally decide to make the smile of your dreams! And our specialists will help you with this. We are waiting for you on a free consultation with our orthodontist
