Sterilization of dental instruments in "Sa-Nata"


 One of the basic principles of the work of the "Sa-Nata" team is the safety of receiving the patient.  Therefore, the highest quality of tool processing is very important for us.

 Sterilization of dental instruments is one of the most important measures that lets reuse them.

 This procedure in the field of dentistry is designed to destroy all possible microbes and prevent their spread.

 Such Instruments as burs, endodontic instruments, dental mirrors and all other materials, elements that come into contact with wounds or blood must be sterilized.

The network of dental clinics "SA-NATA" uses modern equipment of the latest generation in its work. For the specialists of "Sa-Nata", the safety of visit, the quality of their work and the result for many years are very important. Therefore, the specialists of the Sa-Nata network of clinics work with autoclaves of 3 brands: these are autoclaves of the "Melag", "Anthos" and "Castellini" brands. This is the latest and most professional sterilization equipment in full compliance with international standards.

 The network of clinics "Sa-Nata" works according to the principle: quality, safety, result and comfort!  While undergoing treatment in "Sa-Nata" you can always be sure of your safety and the result of service.

Sterilization in the clinic "Sa-Nata" is carried out by several methods:

  • using cold sterilization;
  • using heat sterilization.

Several methods of sterilization of clinic "SA-NATA"

 Cold sterilization:

  • instruments are soaked in a concentrated special disinfectant solution for 30-40 minutes;
  • then the instruments are thoroughly washed and dried;
  • next stage: packing in special craft packaging with a disinfection indicator and placed in an “autoclave”.

 Heat sterilization:

  • after cold sterilization instruments are placed in an "autoclave" for 45 minutes (it’s a sterilizing apparatus with a certain temperature regime of 134 degrees Celsius);
  • then the instruments are removed from the autoclave and cooled down;
  • there is a special indicator on the craft packaging that changes color after the sterilization process in the "autoclave"

Call and sign up for a free consultation at a clinic convenient for you.  We are always glad to help you and make your dream of a snow-white, beautiful and healthy smile comes true!

