





Graduated from the National Medical University named after A. A. Bogomolets in the specialty "Dentistry".

The internship took place at the Institute of Postgraduate Education of the OO Bogomolets NMU.

She specialized in orthodontics at the P.L. Shupik National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.



Certificate of speaker at the International Conference of Young Orthodontists 2020.

"Fundamentals of fixed orthodontic techniques" -Academy of continuous education of orthodontists.

“Dental-alveolar compensation of distal occlusion in patients with removal of the first premolars on the upper jaw and the second on the lower. Mechanics of treatment by a straight arc device ”.

"Fundamentals of cephalometric analysis: points, planes, angles".

"Device" of a direct arch ", its constructive elements, features of their use at orthodontic treatment. Methods and techniques of fixing a fixed "device" of a straight arc in the patient's mouth. Concomitant intra- and extraoral devices.

Participated in certification simulation training and can use the system of transparent caps "Easy Align".

“Positioning of the vestibular braces for indirect fixation”.



2 years


  • She provides advisory, diagnostic and therapeutic assistance to patients with defects in the development of teeth and maxillofacial skeleton;
  • Correction of abnormal bite of teeth, alignment of teeth with mouth caps;
  • She specializes in correcting distal, progenic, open, deep, oblique bite with plates, using braces to align teeth.


About myself:

At the time of admission to the National Medical University. Bogomolets, I planned to become a Dentist-Surgeon. It seemed to me that performing operations in the maxillofacial region is the most difficult, delicate and interesting work.
In the process of studying, I began to have pains and clicks in the area of ​​the temporomandibular joint. I turned to general practitioners, and the last link was a neuropathologist. He prescribed me many different drugs, which, having many side effects, simply relieved the symptoms.
Following the second commandment of the medical doctor, cura te ipsum! (Latin - “doctor, heal yourself!”) - I began to study my disease on my own. And I found that pain and clicks in the joint, most likely a consequence of malocclusion.
I used to think that orthodontics is just straight teeth (correct bite), but now I understand that orthodontics is designed to:

- prevent abnormal growth of the jaws (malocclusion);

- prevent caries - by eliminating the bad habit of mouth breathing;

- prevent or cure diseases of the joint;

- eliminate the causes of headaches, pain in the cervical region;

- eliminate violations of posture;

- prevent periodontal disease (periodontitis);

- improve the profile of the child without any surgical interventions;

- treat Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome;

- to carry out treatment with orthosurgery (for complex skeletal pathologies) and much more!
Orthodontics, for me, is an insanely complex and interesting science. It requires the development of a variety of skills: from the art of photography to trigonometry and physics.
In the clinic "Sa-nata" I have the opportunity to work with a team of professionals with whom we can achieve the highest aesthetic and functional results of treatment!
Well, as a result of orthodontic treatment, the patient receives a healthy and beautiful smile. And I am in a good mood and satisfaction from my work.
